Example only.
This CV/resumé is no longer current.
Employment target: Private tutoring of English and
the contractual development of coursework
materials for English language schools .
[CV photo]
[Name withheld]
[Street address withheld in online CV]
Christchurch 8041
Mobile: [number withheld]
Home phone: [number withheld]
Email: [address withheld]
Tertiary studies / Private tutoring, University of Canterbury, 2005–current
Full-time tertiary studies in Linguistics and Education combined with
part-time one-on-one tutoring in English as a second language
Responsible for:
- Tutoring General English classes of 6–12 Secondary School to adult students at Beginner's through to Advanced levels and pre-examination courses for immigration and tertiary level education, including Cambridge Advanced English and the International English Language Testing System
- Conducting activity-based holiday programmes for Primary and Secondary
School students and after-school tutorials on English grammar and New Zealand cooking for students of all ages and learning levels
Conceived, developed, wrote coursework and delivered:
- “Exploring Potential” course combining General English with a guided exploration of students’ options for employment, career development and further study
- A course on written English including composition, grammar, punctuation and English usage
- A radical revision of the Business English course
Developed coursework materials for the Spoken English component of a preparatory 12-week course for the International English Language Testing System examination for submission to the New Zealand Qualifications Authority on behalf of the Oriental Express Language School
Relieving Tutor / Assistant Tutor, Asia Pacific English Language College, Christchurch, 2000–01
Bartender, On the Beach Restaurant, Christchurch, 1999–2000
Overseas travel / Casual work, South America / United Kingdom / Greece / Israel / Australia / Bali, 1996–99
Casual work as Nanny, Waitress, Bartender, Restaurant Window Sitter and Ice Cream Eater (cool job)
Waitress, The Corral, Blenheim, 1995–96
Professional development, 2001–current
Vocabulary – Strategies of Learning and Retention; Phonemics and Pronunciation; Culture Shock; Effective Lesson Planning; Beginning the Language (Japanese)
Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults, Aspect International Language Academy, 1999
Personal background
Born [date withheld] in Blenheim. Single. Educated at Marlborough Girls’ College, awarded ‘B’ Bursary and Scholarship English, elected as Student Representative on the Board of Trustees, won the New Zealand National Secondary Schools Speech Contest in 1993 and represented the College on the debating team for 4 years. Excellent health. Interests include rollerblading, badminton, gourmet cooking and reading.
[Name withheld]
Language Schools New Zealand
[ph. number withheld]
[Name withheld]
Tutor, Cornerstone International, Thailand
Former Director of Studies,
Language Schools New Zealand, 2001–05
[ph. number withheld]