Example only.
This CV/resumé is no longer current.
Employment target: Sustainable Resources
Officer in Australia.
[CV photo]
[Name withheld]
[Street address withheld in online CV]
Christchurch 8011
New Zealand
Mobile: [number withheld]
Home phone: [number withheld]
Email: [address withheld]
Bachelor of Forestry Science, University of Canterbury, NZ, 2005
Elective forestry papers—Biosecurity Risk Management; Agroforestry; Application of Information Technology in Forestry; Community Forestry; Forest Products Marketing and International Trade
Core forestry papers—Forest Management; Forest Engineering; Surveying and Information Technology in Forestry; Plantation Silviculture; Forest Economics; Wood Science; Forest Biology; Forests and Societies; Management Case Study (An analysis of the forest management practices of a forestry company and an evaluation of options for wood products)
Core conservation, general science and economics papers—Conservation Biology and Management; Evolution and Conservation; Plant Ecology;
Ecology, Diversity of Life; Soil Fertility; Resources and Sustainability; Biometry 1; Statistics 1; Introduction to Chemistry; Introduction to Microeconomics
Gained ‘A’ Grades in Biosecurity Risk Management, Surveying and Information Technology in Forestry, Forest Products Marketing and International Trade
Participated in a Biosolids focus group workshop held by Christchurch City Council 2005
Personally selected to deliver a presentation on New Zealand Forestry to the Sarawak Timber Association during a Malaysia Forestry Study Tour 2005 organised by the New Zealand School of Forestry
Research Assistant, Tane’s Tree Trust, Christchurch, NZ, 2005–06
Searching for unpublished hard-copy research records relating to indigenous tree species in Archives New Zealand, Crown Research Institutes and university libraries throughout New Zealand for a MAF-funded database project, categorising and describing research records, and entering information into database
Forestry Assistant, Selwyn Plantation Board Ltd, Christchurch, NZ, 2003–04 and 2005
Establishing, tagging and GIS-referencing new research plots within native forest areas; auditing pre-established plots in forest stands; identifying and counting species, measuring and recording tree heights, stem diameters, mortality rate, abnormal tree characteristics and canopy cover; log density testing; pruning trees
Research Assistant, Privately-sponsored market research assignment, Christchurch, NZ, 2004
Sourcing farmers with substantive forest stands in Canterbury, conducting structured interviews on their anticipated timber marketing plans, and transcribing the interviews
Other employment, Christchurch, NZ, 2002–current
Part-time and holiday employment included roles as waitress, bartender, pool attendant, room service attendant, data entry clerk, laundry worker, gardener, kitchen hand and dog kennel assistant
Personal background
Born [date withheld] in Christchurch, New Zealand. Single. Educated at Villa Maria College, awarded Bursary, elected as member of the School Council, represented College as Captain of ‘A’ Basketball and as member of 1st XI Hockey. Excellent health. Interests include tramping, cycling, basketball, reading and personal computing.
[Name withheld]
Forester and Forestry Planner
Selwyn Plantation Board Ltd
Darfield, NZ
[ph. number withheld]
[Name withheld]
Director of Studies Forest Engineering
New Zealand School of Forestry
University of Canterbury, NZ
[ph. number withheld]