Contact Chris Eilers
Home-office phone: ...... 03 337 2317 ...... International: +64 3 337 2317
Home-office address: ... 175A Hackthorne Road, Cashmere, Christchurch
Email address:
Skype: ........................chriseilers
Phone calls
Open for phone calls between 8:30 am and 5:00 pm New Zealand time any day of the week.
Consultancy sessions
Consultancy sessions — and Skype calls — are by appointment only.
Location map
You can find me on Google Maps or use the sketch below.

If you’re driving to my home-office, allow 10 to 15 minutes from the centre of Christchurch. Get onto Colombo Street (the main road in Christchurch), and drive south toward the hills. When you reach the end of Colombo Street, at the bottom of the hill (4 kilometres from Cathedral Square), drive around the roundabout and straight uphill into Dyers Pass Road. Wind your way up Dyers Pass Road until you come to a clear crossroads with some shops on the corner — the first crossroads and the first shops on the hill. Take a hard left at the crossroads, which will take you on up the hill, now in Hackthorne Road. You’ll find 175A Hackthorne Road (2 kilometres from the bottom of the hill) just at the point where the road stops winding and climbing, and begins to flatten off and straighten up on the last stretch before the Sign of the Takahe. Follow the signage at 175A: walk down the steps, past the main entrance to the house, right down to the basement home-office.
There are no dogs kept on the property, or on the properties of my immediate neighbours, and visiting dogs are extremely rare. Sorry, there is no wheelchair access, and the steps have no handrail, so are not user-friendly for people who need support in negotiating steps.
© Chris Eilers 2005–20.